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Features On Demand | Microsoft Docs.

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Some solutions online seemed to suggest temporarily switching the Windows Update source in the registry to Windows Update online rather than WSUS, but editing the registry this way and upsetting the software update system seemed… unwise. This post was written by Peter on Wednesday, June 5, at Filed under Windows. Bookmark the permalink to this post. To subscribe to the comments on this post only, use this RSS feed. If you would like to support the time and effort I have put into my tutorials and writing, please consider making a donation.

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Server Core App Compatibility Feature on Demand (FOD) in Windows Server | Microsoft Docs.

The table below maps Windows version releases to the corresponding media you should use to install Features on Demand. Fdom the latest tech news, advice and downloads in your inbox. You can check your Windows edition and build number by typing in winver in Run. Subscribe to our Newsletter Get the latest tech news, перейти на страницу and downloads in your inbox.