Managing Oracle Home Directories

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Windows 10 home directory path free download


Napsauta ISO-tiedostoa hiiren kakkospainikkeella ja valitse Ominaisuudet. Haluatko asentaa Windows n tietokoneeseesi? Haluat asentaa Windows n uudelleen tietokoneeseen, jossa Windows 10 on jo onnistuneesti aktivoitu. Tallenna ja sulje mahdollisesti avoinna olevat sovellukset ja tiedostot. If the Central Inventory is shared across system nodes , this would reflect the installation information for a group of systems collectively.

Such a configuration also mandates that all Oracle homes registered in the inventory are also shared. However, a shared inventory is contrary to Central Inventory design principles. Consequently, Oracle recommends placing the Central Inventory on a local file system not shared by other systems , because the Central Inventory is a system-specific inventory of the installations on this system.

Shared inventories are strongly discouraged. Since a shared inventory is a recommended practice, OUI displays a warning if you attempt to specify a shared inventory location under the following circumstances:.

If you have already set up your inventory on shared storage prior to Grid Control version If you do not want to reconstruct the central inventory on a non-shared location, you can pass the -ignoreSharedInventory option to suppress the shared inventory error when invoking runInstaller.

Tru64 is a special operating system where all storage is shared storage including the operating system installed on shared storage. Therefore, a shared inventory is permissible.

Perform the following steps as a Grid Control installation user, which is the user who owns the inventory. Identify a non-shared location for the Central Inventory. This location should have sufficient permissions, such as read and write permissions. Make sure that the installation user creates this new location and that the location is part of the installation group.

Obtain the list of Oracle homes from the existing shared Central Inventory registered in oraInventory, use the opatch lsinventory -all command.

Since this is a shared inventory, you may see Oracle homes listed in the Central Inventory from other systems on which the inventory is shared. Identify the Oracle home pertinent to the current system. You can apply patchsets and upgrade an existing Oracle home. You can apply patchsets using Oracle Universal Installer. For more information on upgrading or applying patchsets for an Oracle product, refer to the respective Oracle product installation guide of the product that you want to upgrade.

You can clone an Oracle home using Oracle Universal Installer. For more information on cloning, see Chapter 5, “Cloning Oracle Software. You can back up the Oracle home using your preferred method. You can use any method such as zip , tar , and cpio to compress the Oracle home. It is highly recommended to back up the Oracle home before any upgrade or patch operation. You should also back up the Central Inventory when Oracle home is installed or deinstalled.

You want to patch this database but decide to back up the database before patching. If you are using a Win32 system, you could use WinZip to zip up the Oracle home. Do not use the jar command to zip the Oracle home, as this causes the file permissions to become lost.

Suppose you apply the patch and something goes wrong. You decide to delete the Oracle home from the Central Inventory and restore the original Oracle home. To delete the Oracle home from the Central Inventory, use the following command:. Restore the original Oracle home and update the Central Inventory. Restore the Oracle home to its original location using the following commands:. The inventory Central and the Oracle home inventory is critically important in the Oracle software life-cycle management.

The following section explains what you need to do in case of inventory corruption. Problem: When you execute the opatch lsinventory -detail command or when you click Installed Products, the Oracle home does not appear. Cause: This may result because of a missing or corrupted Oracle home inventory. Action: If the Oracle home inventory is missing or corrupted, restore the Oracle home inventory. If you have not backed up the Oracle home inventory, you may have to install the software on a different node with the same platform and install the same patch levels including interim patches.

After that, you can simply copy the inventory directory from the patched Oracle home to the location of the affected Oracle home. The following sections describe the Home Selector, which is installed as part of Oracle Universal Installer on Windows computers.

To view the Home Selector, click the Environment tab of the Inventory dialog, which appears when you click the Installed Products button on several Oracle Universal Installer screens.

The Home Selector is a part of the installation software. If you need to switch the active home or need to perform batch work which requires a “default home” to be active, you can use the Home Selector to change the Windows NT system settings. When using the Home Selector to make a specific Oracle home the active one, the software installation in question is moved to the front of the PATH variable, making it the first directory to be scanned for executable and library files.

When you perform an installation on a system, Oracle Universal Installer runs the selectHome. In silent mode, you perform this outside Oracle Universal Installer. This is the default Windows NT registry hive which contains all the “generic” Oracle settings. A typical Oracle home on Windows platforms contains the files and directories shown in Table The Optimal Flexible Architecture OFA standard is a set of configuration guidelines for fast, reliable Oracle databases that require little maintenance.

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bash – What is the home directory on Windows Subsystem for Linux? – Super User

You receive a warning message, but the installation continues. Your frequently used folders and recently used files are listed there, so you won’t have to dig through a series of folders to find them. I didn’t expected that. Services running from the home. If you installed your distribution with Chocolatey , the path to the home directory is:.


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Pictures helped. Restore the original Oracle home and update the Central Inventory. If you modify some file, you will get the changes downoad the windows too. Http:// be able to see what you’ve downloaded читать статью the web, where these items are stored on your PC, and choose actions to take on your downloads.