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Cultured code things attachments free. A Review of Cultured Code’s Things App

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And you can now create nested lists! Siri Get things done within this app using just your voice. Quickly run your favorite shortcuts from the menu bar on macOS Monterey.

Cultured code things attachments free. Cultured Code Releases ‘Mail to Things’


Life-hacking corner-cutting super-nerds rejoice! This means you can run shortcuts seamlessly across all your devices. Instead of filling out the details every time, you can create a shortcut that fills it out for you. Click one to add it to your Shortcuts library. Of course, you can also create your own from scratch in the Shortcuts app.

Have fun experimenting and looking for ways to speed up your workflows — but beware! The resulting speed boost will be most noticeable for those with very large databases and many projects, but the app will generally be snappier for everyone. As an added benefit, our work on code unification has eliminated such quirks, providing a more consistent experience across devices. Another improvement in this release is for shortcuts of a different kind: keyboard shortcuts. On non-US layouts, shortcuts involving letters will mostly stay the same, but shortcuts with special characters will now be easier to type — and some that were previously impossible to use can now be typed for the first time!

Check out our updated keyboard page for your layout. You can also look in the menus on Mac, or hold down Cmd on iPad. All these improvements are available now in Things 3. We hope you enjoy using Shortcuts across your devices and look forward to seeing what you build with it! This is our big fall update for iOS Available now in Things 3. Try it out: Open a to-do, tap in the notes field, tap again to bring up the menu, and activate Live Text. Now point your camera at some text and voila!

It automagically appears in your to-do. Things has had outstanding support for external keyboards for a while. The app is fully navigable from your keyboard, and there are many powerful shortcuts. With iPadOS 15, it gets even better:. Things 3. We hope you enjoy these great new features! Four great new features go hand in hand to elevate your note-taking to a whole new level:. Bullet Lists 2. Markdown 3. Find in Text 4. When you open a to-do, your notes take center stage. While many of your notes will only be a line or two, some can grow quite long — with detailed plans, reference material, brainstorms, and so on.

The longer a note gets, the more important it becomes to have a way to structure it. Simply type – followed by a space. Indeed, but now they get the treatment they deserve:. To nest a list, simply insert spaces in front of a bullet. As many of you requested, you can now use Markdown to structure and style your notes. If you already know Markdown, go ahead and try it out.

Things detects a wide range of commonly-used syntax and renders it in a unique blend of proportional and fixed-width fonts. It looks and feels great! Things will detect this and render the word in italics. If you remove the asterisks, it goes back to normal again. Here are a few more examples:. Many people love Markdown, and you might end up liking it, too. To learn more, be sure to check out our Markdown Guide.

On iOS, you can double-tap a word, then tap Aa and choose a style from the popover. Until now, each time you modified a note — say to insert or remove a few words — the entire note would be synced again across all your devices. With our new method, only the fragments of text you modify are synced. This drastically improves the speed and efficiency of the sync, and allows for smarter resolution of conflicts. We hope you enjoy this update, and look forward to hearing what you think!

Get it now for Mac , iPad , and iPhone. The powerful new widgets that recently came to iOS are now available on your Mac, giving instant access to your most important lists. You can add as many as you want.

To set them up, swipe the Notification Center in from the right side of your screen. The default widget will show your Today list, but you can configure it to show any list you like: right-click the widget and choose Edit Things to flip it over. This is useful if you want to focus on particular types of to-dos, such as Errands you need to run, Work items, and so on. Before, you could only snooze an alert for 10 minutes, but now you can choose how long: 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour.

Perhaps best of all, the app no longer jumps to the foreground when you hit snooze! This update is available now for download on the App Store. We hope you enjoy it! October 25th, All Things Speed. On Mac, you can assign a keyboard shortcut, or use the new Shortcuts menu at the top of your screen to quickly get at your favorites. Quickly run your favorite shortcuts from the menu bar on macOS Monterey.

Add an Errand. Pack for Flight. Shop for Essentials. Save My Location. Show My Work Deadlines. Do Weekly Review. September 20th, Things for iOS It shows your to-dos for Today, Tomorrow, and the two days after that.

It shows a single list, but in two columns so you can see more to-dos at a glance. Stay on top of your schedule with the extra-large Up Next widget top. See more to-dos at a glance with the double-wide List widget bottom. You can now change this to the currently-displayed list. You can also hide the button entirely. Custom Themes. If you have a black wallpaper, the new Black theme looks slick. Improved Notifications iOS 15 provides more ways to control your notifications and there are two improvements for Things: Announce Notifications.

If you receive a text message while wearing headphones or driving in your car, Siri will read it to you. Time-Sensitive Notifications. Great External Keyboard Support for iPad Things has had outstanding support for external keyboards for a while. Keyboard shortcuts are now neatly structured into menus. While in Split View, Things can now show if it has keyboard focus.

You can then navigate the options with your arrow keys. If your iPhone or iPad is locked and you swipe right to reveal your widgets, your to-dos are now redacted for privacy.

Things now dims when you lower your wrist but your to-dos remain visible right. Four great new features go hand in hand to elevate your note-taking to a whole new level: 1. Indeed, but now they get the treatment they deserve: Text that wraps to a new line is neatly indented. When you hit Return a new bullet is inserted; return again escapes the list. And you can now create nested lists! Bullet lists are now perfectly structured and easy to use. Markdown As many of you requested, you can now use Markdown to structure and style your notes.

Use colons to :: highlight :: text. Insert a hash at the beginning of a line to make a Heading. Markdown and bullet lists are also great on iOS. It also comes with a beautiful new icon for your dock. The New Widgets The powerful new widgets that recently came to iOS are now available on your Mac, giving instant access to your most important lists. Sharpen your focus with tag-filtered widgets.

Rich Notifications Notifications are so much better now. Newer Posts.


‎Things 3 on the Mac App Store


Things is the app for every cultred you cultured code things attachments free. With it, you can organize every aspect of your life—from your daily routine to your long-term goals—and find the clarity that only comes нажмите чтобы перейти knowing what to do next.

In about 10 minutes, this guide will teach you some valuable tricks for getting productive with Things — and staying that way. Each and every thing that you want to accomplish needs to end up in one place, and that place is the Inbox.

If you only add your thiings, looking over your to-dos will become a chore. Tyings is the list for to-dos that you want to start before the day ends.

Anytime is home for all of the to-dos you could start at any time. To learn how to assign your to-dos quickly to any of these lists, check out these tips here cultured code things attachments free well. When that cultured code things attachments free, make it a Project instead. Like to-dos, there are almost always too many potential projects for you to work on at any given time.

An Area is for grouping all cultured code things attachments free your projects and to-dos that support attacgments ongoing ambition. Remember to keep an eye on your savings for the future with a Money area. Encourage yourself to care for your body and mind by maintaining a Health area. Tame a busy class schedule with a School area. Work toward new professional vultured with a Career area.

When you only want to see related projects and to-dos, your areas are a great place to narrow your focus. Take a good, hard look at all of them every now and then. Sometimes, all it cultured code things attachments free are a few new to-dos to keep the fire of your long-term goal burning. A visit with your to-dos attacments in the day, every day, is the best way to set your priorities and stay on top of thinbs matters most to you. Decide what you attwchments to do and postpone the rest for later.

The faster you can get new to-dos into your Inbox, the faster you can get по ссылке to work — so master some time-saving tricks. Use headings to divide ambitious projects into smaller groups of related to-dos.

Plan smart cultured code things attachments free seeing Calendar entries at a glance alongside your to-dos in Today and Upcoming. And no matter how busy your day-to-day routine becomes, Things has you covered. You can also write dultured our experts any time.

Getting Productive with Things Things is the app for every thing you do. Gather it all in one place Each and every thing that you want to accomplish fee to end up in one place, and that place is the Inbox.

Define yourself with areas An Area is for grouping all of your projects and to-dos that support an ongoing ambition. Establish your daily routine A visit with your to-dos early in the attavhments, every day, is the best way to set your priorities and stay on top of what matters most to you.

A few tips before you go The faster you can get new to-dos into your Inbox, the faster you can get back to work — so master some time-saving tricks. Thanks for reading! Get Things cultured code things attachments free Mac.

Get Things for iPhone. Get Things for iPad. Support Help Contact Getting Productive.