Adobe photoshop elements 10 user manual pdf free download. Adobe PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS 10 Manuals

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Welcome to the Photoshop Elements User Guide.

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If you have You can move or copy selections and layers within selected multiple areas, all move as you drag. Photoshop Elements applications prompts you when vector artwork will be The drag-and-drop feature lets you copy and rasterized. To cut is pasted. Page Transforming And Retouching Chapter 6: Transforming and Retouching ou can transform and retouch images in If necessary, select the Shield cropped area many ways.

For example, you can manip- option to show the cropping shield. You can crop seamless, panoramic image from multiple an image by decreasing the canvas area. If larger than 2 megapixels. Click Add in the Photomerge dialog box. Page Because of differences in the work area: perspective, the pieces may not line up exactly. For a wider Select the Use Perspective option. You may want to create Note: If a type or shape layer is selected, you must You work with a preview image of the current simplify the layer before proceeding.

A bounding box appears in transform. Page CHAPTER 6 Transforming and Retouching To scale a layer, selection, or shape: Skewing, distorting, and applying perspective to layers, selections, and Select the layer, area, or shape you want to shapes transform. This option is useful when you Select the sponge tool. Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in the options bar. The paint builds up Choose a brush size from the pop-up palette in along the edges of the brush stroke.

You can choose to erase contiguous pixels a layer to transparency as you drag; A low tolerance limits erasure to areas that are very tool similar to the sampled color. A high tolerance The impressionist brush tool lets you paint with erases a broader range of colors.

Page Customizing Brush Libraries In Photoshop Elements, you can save libraries, For Spacing, enter a value or drag the slider to load, replace, save, rename brushes in libraries, Set the brush options as described palette menu. Page Preset Manager. Type a value that is a percentage of the brush diameter. This mode works only in layers with editing tools Lock Transparency deselected and is analogous to You set options for a painting or editing tool in the painting on the back of transparent areas in a sheet options bar for that tool.

The effect is similar channel and selects the base or blend color— to shining a diffused spotlight on the image. Page Photoshop Elements. Page Choose a color, and click OK. Specify a blending mode and opacity for the paint. Page Click a style to apply it to the shape layer. Transforming shapes You can also paint a border around a selection or a You can alter a shape by applying transformations layer. Page Creating And Editing Patterns This In addition to using the libraries of patterns allows you to create a softer border than one provided with Photoshop Elements, you can created using the Stroke layer style.

The Stroke create your own custom patterns. Page Feather must be set to 0 px. Enter a name for the pattern in the Pattern Deselect the rectangle. Page Using Layers About layers When you create, import, or scan an image in Photoshop Elements, the image consists of a single layer.

However, if you plan to add different elements to your image, layers will make your task a lot easier. In the Layers palette, select the layer that you want to move. For Grid Size, choose a pattern size. By default, the transparent areas of a document appear as a Drag the layer up or down in the Layers palette. The copied Duplicate Layer from the Layers palette menu. For Select the Document Sizes option in the status bar. If a setting is dimmed, it is not Scaling applies only to shadow distance, outer present in the effect you are using, and therefore glow size, inner glow size, and bevel size.

You can fully or partially lock layers to protect their contents. When a layer is locked, a lock Note: For type and shape layers, transparency is displays to the right of the layer name. The name of the base layer in the position the pointer over the line separating two Page For more information on creating then click OK.

If variety of backgrounds and textures. You might necessary, exit from other applications to make then blur these textures. For value from the displacement map—0 is the example, using a parabola-shaped displacement maximum negative shift, is the maximum map, you can create an image that appears to be positive shift, and a gray value of produces no Specify the Shear the upper left or lower right, Out From Center curve by dragging the line in the box to form a displaces pixels toward or away from the center of curve for the distortion.

This blur- possible that eliminates defects. You can images, often for a 3D effect. Page Lighting Effects Filter For information on choosing a location. Shift-drag to keep the angle constant and change only the size of the ellipse. Page Using Type in the options bar.

For best vertical type tool. As a result, variety of shapes; for example, you can warp type the edges of the type blend into the background. The range of available type styles varies with hold down Shift and press the Right Arrow or Left each font. The type size determines how large the type appears in the image. The default unit of Select a unit of measurement for Type. Photoshop Elements provides several options for working with Asian type.

Asian fonts are often referred to as double-byte fonts or CJK fonts. The character itself is is a block of horizontal type laid out within a not stretched or squeezed as a result. When mojikumi is off, full-width spacing is applied to these characters.

When mojikumi is on, half-width spacing is applied to these characters. You images for effective Web publishing can also use the layers in your original image to results. You can select a modem speed in original and optimized images in the Save For Web the Preview pop-up menu.

See Windows monitor. You can choose a continuous-tone images such as photographs. Page Selective is the the frequency of colors in the image.

Choose Auto default option. You can choose To control application dither: a dithering pattern to be applied to the image. Page You can save custom You can preview browser dither directly in dither patterns in groups called collections, and use Photoshop Elements or in a browser that uses an the dither patterns with other images.

Photoshop Elements animation options as the Save for Web dialog box. Photoshop Elements using the Open command.

Each layer Saving optimized images corresponds to one frame. Photoshop Elements provides a variety of styles Then do the following: for your gallery, which you can select using the Web Photo Gallery command. Then do the following: Options pop-up menu. However, able to save it back to Filmstrip format.

If necessary, select Animate. For For Preview, choose a low-resolution preview example, Photoshop Elements does not support type. Page Adding File Information Setting preferences for saving format. Under Document, specify the dimensions, resolution, and color mode for the contact sheet, For Layout, choose a preset layout option.

You can customize existing layouts or create new Note: The width and height of the document should layouts using a text-editing application. The layout not exceed the printable area of the paper. You can also use composite of all visible layers.

To print an individual Page Positioning And Scaling Images To scale the print size of an image in the Print Preview dialog box: represents the margins of the selected paper; the printable area is white. Options dialog box; you must select Show More Options located below the image preview area in order to see them. Photoshop Elements uses To determine if you need to use color management a grid of elements known as pixels to represent when printing: images.

Page INDEX black and white points, New Brush command Choose 23 scanning 52 options chroma 68 black-and-white images, pointer options 39 Chrome filter creating 96 presets 37 CJK type blending modes Roundness option composition options bloat tool selecting showing options for Page 39 Color Picker option 79 choosing a compression format Curves command, setting target color pickers for values with 89 Adobe 77, 79 contrast Custom color table Apple 79 adjusting 87 Custom filter choosing 79 adjusting automatically Page INDEX dithering Dark Strokes filter edge effects about 70, 73, Darken mode editing application dither, previewing and controlling Define Brush command blending modes browser dither, previewing and Define Pattern command , layers minimizing De-Interlace filter See also copying, correcting Page filling Find Edges filter Facet filter layers Fine Grain filter fade rate selections Finger Painting option for brush strokes with background color Fit on Screen command 26 for eraser strokes with foreground color Fixed Size option painting with gradients Page INDEX radial gradient tool Hints palette 29 gamut 65 Randomize option Histogram command 85 Gaussian Blur filter reflected gradient tool histograms GIF format saving and loading about 84, 91 about , tools key type 84 Adaptive color table transparency Levels display of Page converting between color importing images modes 69, 71 laser printers 48 digital camera with WIA copying layers between support 53 lasso tool copying selections between from a digital camera 52 detection width creating new 54 from a scanner 52 edge sensitivity cropping scanning with WIA support Page midtones New View command 24 See also placing, importing adjusting 95, Noise dither OpenType fonts adjusting with Levels 89 Noise filters , Optimized option, for JPEG Minimum and Maximum See also individual names of optimizing images filter filters about The users is this group could easilly “crowdsource” our own, user freindly manual.

The adobe help stuff is pretty dry. Would you allow me to download your Manual? If so, can you please let me know how to do this. At my age 86 I do have practical problems with the growing complexity of, in this case finding a simple user manual for Elements. Here’sthe link to the fb page I made for the daily challenges I don’t montior it much, I used it jsut to “Park” the challenges in one place poeple could find I get a message that the file has been deleted from dropbox.

Would you please restore it? I deleted everything a couple of days ago to clean it up- it’s back. Thank you so much for posting this, Glenn, you have done a beautiful job! My only question is regarding why the latest link above brings up a “Rough Draft” whereas the first link in this thread does not. Which link is the best for downloading your most current manual?

I also will not get into debates about the contents “that’s wrong Most email servers have a 10 MB limit on attachments. Anything over 5MB I generally just upload to my dropbox, and send a likn k for downlaod from there. You don’t need to pay to use drop box- I use the free version- it as a 2 GB limit. A few days ago I got a notice my dropbox was almost full I only had 50MB free- so instead of picking and choosing what to delete I wiped everything, and started over.

You don’t need dropbox to download- just the shared link. I’ve started working on it again– I figure between 50 and 75 more pages. Some in the past have written me and saind “dude, you’re doin’ it wrong- do it this way”- when what they meant was “You’re not doing it the way I do it so it’s wrong” I show one way, for me, a simple way, of doing something.

Within the PSE world there are generally 4 or 5 ways reaching the same goal. I’m not going to watch a 28 minute video explaining how to write some text on the edge of a circle when a slide or two can explain it. Glenn , I have taken a look at your excellent manual and if you don’t mind, I will bookmark it and refer others to view it.

I hope you don’t mind but I have added a few comments to correct what I believe are some errors. Perhaps when you have completed your opus, you should start a new thread with it so that it will not be buried in this one.

That’s all fine, go ahead. I started making screenshots of various things and people said they liked it, so I kinda ran with it. Of course I always explain there are typically 3 or 4 ways of doing what I show- I just talk about the way I like doing things. That doesn’t make my way any better, or worse than your way of doing it I like using the paint bucket A LOT.

I also have been posting a “Daily Cup of knowledge” simple, 1 post a day- all the info must fit on that one graphic. In the facebook group people will often take a photo of their screen, with their phone- and it often doesn’t show what is needed, or is out of focus, or is too small Adobe Support Community.

Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Download and install, How to, Organizer. Follow Report. Community Guidelines. Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more. All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic. Adobe Community Professional , Dec 13, Dec 13, They require a lot of work from Adobe, but I think the present state of customer support is not only based on cutting costs, it’s also based on a belief that online help is b Jump to latest reply.

The pdf manuals have not been updated since Walter in Davie, FL. Jeff Arola. In Response To Jeff Arola. Phil DC. Correct answer by MichelBParis. John Waller. In Response To LemonPeeler. Glenn Harry Briels. In Response To Glenn Thanks for reply and your help!


– Adobe photoshop elements 10 user manual pdf free download

You can also separate combined panels in icon view by dragging the icons away from each other. You can also click one of the column headings to see the available tutorials arranged by title, author, difficulty, date posted, category, type video or PDF , or the average star rating people have given it. Store photos online so you can get to them from any computer. Chapter 3 explains how to adjust your view of photos in the Editor. Adobe also gives you easy access to its Photoshop.